Our Little Ella

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A Ride with Daddy.

There's nothing more fun than a ride with Daddy in my Baby Bjorn.

My Friend Lilley Kate

Mommy and Lilley Kate's Mom, Lacey, have been friends for years. Lilley Kate and I had so much fun playing together.

My New Rainforest Swing

Asleep on Grandad

Grandad came by to visit this weekend. He did a great job helping me to sleep.

A Visit from Aunt Alisha

Aunt Alisha came to visit this weekend. We had fun shopping together at the Adidas Outlet. She put together my new swing. I love my Aunt Alisha!

Is It Bath Time Again?

I am enjoying my new bath tub. Mommy and Daddy love to wash my hair. Daddy loves to sing..." Scruba Dub Dub in the Bath Bath Tub".