Our Little Ella

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Halloween 2007.... Our Little Duckling

Our Little Duck.
Halloween at the Skelton home consisted of attending Wednesday night church. Ella, was our little duckling, enjoyed crawling around the church as everyone watched. Chrissy and I felt like selfish parent's putting Ella in the warm fur covered body costume. Thank God that Ella did not break a sweat or we would have really felt bad.

Our Precious Duck.

Our happy duck.

Our Reaching Duck.

Our Crawling Duck.

Our Puzzled Duck.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

A Little Brother on the Way......

Last week my family found out that I am going to have a little brother. Mommy and daddy were shocked.... and excited.
His name will be.....
Christopher Hudson Skelton
We will call him Hudson.
I can't wait for my little brother to arrive sometime around April 7th.
Watch for Hudson's Blog it will be coming soon...